Friday, January 23, 2004

Fight Club

Here’s part of the transcript from last night’s Dem debate:

KERRY: I look forward to that fight, and I particularly want to have that debate with this president. I am a veteran. I fought in a war. I've been a prosecutor. I've sent people to jail for the rest of their life. I have, as a lieutenant governor, helped to fight to create a national plan on acid rain to protect our rivers and lakes and streams for the future. As a senator, I've stood up for years and fought for fairness.

Now here’s the opening of a WashPost article: “Senate Passes Funding as Democrats Relent”:

The Senate approved a long-overdue $328 billion bill to fund most federal agencies yesterday after Democrats abandoned a fight over overtime pay, food labeling and other contentious issues that had held up the legislation.

Not voting on HR 2673: Kerry, Edwards, Lieberman

Must have been somebody else's fight....

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