Thursday, December 11, 2003

Survivor update – Grrrrrl Power rocks!

Lil, Darrah, and Sandra join forces to defeat evil
Burton wins reward and takes Jon to something with food (I didn’t watch) making the critical error of leaving the women together to plot. Finally, Sandra gets through to dopey Lil and church-mouse Darrah that their best strategy is to get rid of one of the men.

When the men return from food and rest, they realize their error because the women are putting on the worst acting performance since Jennifer Lopez in “Gigli.” “No, we didn’t talk to Sandra!” Knowing full well that all women do is gab and chatter, this causes a small panic between Burton and Jon who scramble to re-assemble alliances. Jon goes to Sandra and swears on his not-dead grandmother that he’ll carry her to the final three. Sandra swears on her kids that she’ll mumble..mumble..mumble. Only in confessional do we hear the whole thing: “I swore on my kids I’ll screw over Jon and Burton” Awesome!

Darrah wins immunity (third in a row!) and we see the men both vote “Lil.” Now I’m concerned because I know that bastard Mark Burnett likes to play with your head. But (hooray!) the chick-alliance holds and they kick off the strongest Survivor, Burton. With the Burton-Jon partnership gone, my feeling is that the empowered women will stick it to Jon next week unless he wins immunity. This seems an unlikely scenario since he has never won any challenge except for the one where he shamed everyone into rolling over because of his (not) dead grandmother.

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