Sunday, December 14, 2003

The morning news

My wife woke me up and said those four magical words: “They caught Saddam Hussein.” I leapt out of bed so quickly that my dog, who does not like sudden moves or loud noises, retreated to a corner. My heart, jolted out of sleep mode, started racing. This is just the greatest news.

There’s a powerful urging to gloat a little, to pour over recent statements by Democrats or the French, but I’m going to try to resist. (It’s hard, esp. after listening to John Kerry on Fox News this morning.) Right now I’m just going to pray that this leads to a collapse of insurgency action so that our troops can be a little safer. Then, I’m going to pray that Hussein gives up the weapons of mass destruction.

God bless the U.S. troops and the coalition forces. (More commentary later.)

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