Friday, December 05, 2003

The latest “Bush in Iraq” testimonial

Susanna at Cut on the Bias has another eyewitness account of Bush’s meet and greet with the soldiers in Iraq. A must read:

Soldiers were hollering, cheering, and a lot of them were crying. There was not a dry eye at my table. When he stepped up to the cheering, I could clearly see tears running down his cheeks. It was the most surreal moment I've had in years. Not since my wedding and Aaron being born. Here was this man, our President, came all the way around the world, spending 17 hours on an airplane and landing in the most dangerous airport in the world, where a plane was shot out of the sky not six days before.

Just to spend two hours with his troops. Only to get on a plane and spend another 17 hours flying back. It was a great moment, and I will never forget it. He delivered his speech, which we all loved, when he looked right at me and held his eyes on me. Then he stepped down and was just mobbed by the soldiers. He slowly worked his way all the way around the chow hall and shook every last hand extended. Every soldier who wanted a photo with the President got one. I made my way through the line, got dinner, then wolfed it down as he was still working the room.

By the way, earlier today I commented on this Tim Blair post that while Bush said he was “looking for a warm meal” there’s no evidence he ever ate while meeting with soldiers in Iraq. (Quoth Tim: “another Bush lie!”) My point was that Bush was much more concerned about meeting with the soldiers; Susanna’s post confirms this.

(P.S. - Sorry about your commute, Susanna! I can relate, believe me.)

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