Friday, December 19, 2003

If I could figure out where to put the “H”, “Saddam Hussein” is an anagram of “Dems sad in USA

Anyway, here’s Michael Kinsley with the Donks reaction:

The Democratic presidential candidates woke up Sunday morning to learn that U.S. forces had captured Saddam Hussein. O joy! O joy! O [expletive]!

Also in the WashPost, Charles Krauthammer celebrates the de-mythifiction of the great pan-Arab strongman:

And then they find him cowering in a hole, disheveled, disoriented and dishonored. After making those underground tapes exhorting others to give their blood for Iraq and for him, his instantaneous reaction to discovery was hands-up surrender.
End of the myth. It is not just that he did not resist the soldiers with the guns. He did not even resist the medic with the tongue depressor.

Austin Bay gives a historical perspective in “Cascading Effects of Saddam’s Capture” and details why bringing Hussein down has far-reaching positive influence. Here’s my favorite excerpt:

Every Middle Eastern autocrat saw the haggard Saddam pulled from the hole. The message: America means to see this war through. To avoid Saddam’s fate means political liberalization. The Iranian mullahs are on notice.

Of course, all of this is utterly wasted on Paul Krugman, the skunk at the garden party. Today he sounds just like a Deaniac on the Democratic Underground. All is lost and those of us who think differently are just “waving the flag” to cover up the “truth.” Yeah, whatever. If Iraq turned into a full-functioning democracy tomorrow, Krugman would be complaining about the gerrymandering process.

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