Thursday, December 04, 2003

I predict it will be as successful as Oslo

The indispensable Jeff Jacoby (the third conservative in Massachusetts) of the Boston Globe excoriates the Geneva Accord: “Geneva is a blueprint for war, not peace

THE INTERNATIONAL applause greeting the so-called Geneva Accord -- the unofficial Israeli-Palestinian "peace" agreement formally presented in Switzerland this week -- is a vivid illustration of the world's contempt for the Jewish state. It is also historically alarming. For the fervent acclaim the accord has drawn resembles nothing so much as the jubilation that greeted the Munich Accord of 1938, when Neville Chamberlain agreed to the dismemberment of Czechoslovakia in order to placate Adolf Hitler.

This is the accord that Jimmy Carter suggested was a “final solution” to the Mideast problem. Nice choice of terminology, Jimmah.

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