Monday, December 08, 2003

Green upset in San Francisco?

After losing the governor’s mansion to the GOP in a humiliating recall election, California Democrats are flying in national figures to fend off a threat from the left. Green candidate Matt Gonzalez is within striking distance of winning the mayoral race in San Francisco, thus knocking off Willy Brown’s protégé Gavin “Gruesome” Newsom. Boots and Sabers welcomes the coming train wreck and American Prowler touches on the superficiality of SF voters.

A Green victory in San Francisco could (in my opinion) have national implications. First, if Gonzalez makes good on his promise to raise the minimum wage in Frisco to the “highest in the nation” it would be a dream for conservatives who would surely chart the flight of businesses from the Bay Area. Also, it would be intolerable for egomaniac Ralph Nader to be the second-best Green candidate in the country. A Gonzalez win could force Nader back into the limelight for a second run at the Presidency, which would be a huge boost for Bush’s re-election.

Extra: More on SF from Hedgehog Report and Rantburg.

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