Monday, December 29, 2003

Endless love

As I’ve said many times before, I love Terry McAuliffe. I don’t think there has been a better friend to the GOP than the unctuous Clinton acolyte. Democrats keep losing elections and he smiles on “Meet the Press” and says ludicrous things like “we gained seats in the New Jersey legislature.”

So why is Howard Dean picking a fight with the Democratic National Committee chair? Steven the Poliblogger says that Dean is being “whiny.” (Matt Stinson chimes in also). The obvious answer is that Dean is trying to “freeze the clock” and get Democrats to rally around him even before the first primary vote is cast. But I think there’s an ulterior motive in Howard’s demonizing of Terry McAuliffe. After taking on the Republicans, Dean wants to fight against the Democratic establishment also. It seems to me that Dean is trying to set himself up as the “forbidden love” of the Democratic Party. The rank and file cannot deny him because otherwise they’re just a tool of the “old” Democratic party. Essentially Dean is saying: “You squares can go with another DNC-approved candidate, or you can rock the casbah with me!”

Or how about this for a campaign slogan: “Howard Dean: Let’s lose with dignity!”

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