Friday, December 19, 2003

The Dean backlash begins

Even as Howard Dean climbed in the Dem polls, there were whispers about his temper and undisciplined remarks. But now the capture of Saddam Hussein and Dean’s defense of his foreign policy stance has ignited a low-simmer panic among the Democrats that intensifies when they view the Bush-Dean matchup numbers. So it’s not at all surprising to see this story in the NY Times: “Some Democrats uneasy about Dean as the nominee.”

Meanwhile, over the pond at the British magazine The Economist, they’re saying it might be time to go “Back to the Drawing Board”:

Perhaps Al Gore really is cursed. Last week this column argued that his endorsement made Howard Dean look unstoppable. Then a diabolus ex machina appeared to throw a weighty obstacle in the good doctor's path. The unearthing of Saddam Hussein has not only left Dr Dean looking visibly discombobulated; it has also relaunched the search for an alternative Democrat to take on George Bush. It may be hard to overhaul the former Vermont governor so late in the day, but that has not stopped the Anyone But Dean lot marching into action again.

It’ll sure be fun to watch.

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