Tuesday, December 09, 2003

Breathtaking cynicism on the Dean bandwagon

I'd like to write more about the Gore endorsement (just saw it on TV) but I have to run off this morning. But I will note this: although Al Gore eventually said that he agreed with Dean on the Iraq policy (we were helpfully informed that Saddam Hussein was a "bad man") Gore spent the first portion of his speech saying that his endorsement was based on the fact that Howard Dean energizes Democrats on the grass roots level.

That is, Al Gore endorsed Howard Dean not because of his policies but because Dean's campaign has a lot of momentum. Then the former VP offered up the "freeze the field" advice of "speak ill of no Democrats" - which is great advice if you're the front-runner.

Before the annoucement, Jonah Golberg noted: "More important, it underscores how unserious Al Gore has become on the war on terrorism." [Emphasis added] That adjective is one I use often for the Democrats and there has been nothing in their words or actions to disabuse me of that characterization.

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