Tuesday, December 30, 2003

Back home - so much to catch up on

I'm trying, I'm trying. Let's start with this quote by Joe Lieberman from the Wash Post story: "Lieberman: Dean will 'melt' under GOP attacks"

"I've got some news for Howard Dean," Lieberman added. "The primary campaign is a warm-up compared to what George Bush and Karl Rove have waiting for him. . . . He's going to melt in a minute once the Republicans start going after him."

On this I agree with Joe and I think the prime forum for the Dean meltdown will be the debates. Bush will be standing there with his "aw, shucks" attitude, a healthy economy, and a safer country thanks to the overthrow of two brutal regimes. Dean will be flailing his arms, desperate to convince voters that Bush is the most 'reckless' President in history. It just won't work.

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