Monday, December 22, 2003

As Roy Orbison would croon: “It’s over, it’s over, it’s OOOO-VER!”

Back in the summer, things weren’t going so hot for John Kerry. He was heading nowhere in Iowa and falling further behind Dean in New Hampshire. So he hit upon the brilliant tactic of re-launching his campaign in South Carolina with the anticipation that this early primary state would be a “firewall” where he could claim victory and keep his campaign going. At the time, Tony Blankley didn’t think much of this idea:

South Carolina is not going to be John Kerry's firewall -- but a firestorm. A strategy for a New England liberal to lose in New Hampshire and win in South Carolina is not a strategy at all. It is a delusion. Politically speaking, Sen. Kerry is campaigning while dead.

Here are the latest S.C. numbers, via Hedgehog Report. Senator Splunge is ahead of…Kucinich. That’s it. Oof.

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