Friday, November 21, 2003

Working for the NASCAR dads

It used to be the "soccer moms" that swayed elections, but now the Democrats realize they can't win the South (and the election) without also appealing to the "NASCAR dads."

As this CBS news report states, the Dems may be "spinning their wheels" (ha-ha!)

A recent CBS News poll shows there isn't much disappointment with President Bush among the white Southern men who voted for him back in 2000; they think the country is on the right track today. Eight out of 10 approve of the job the president is doing on the economy, and less than one in five think the economy is in bad shape; seven in 10 believe Mr. Bush has more integrity and honesty than most other people in public life; and over 80 percent approve of the way he is handling the situation in Iraq.

These are daunting numbers for the Dems, especially if they choose Howard "Aspen" Dean and try to fight a born-again Christian in 2004.

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