Wednesday, November 05, 2003

Why we should repeal the 26th Amendment

As promised, here's the CNN transcript from last night's "Young Voter" forum sponsored by "Rock the Vote". Here's the last question of the night:

QUESTION: Going along with this less serious note, but still this is a question of a lot of importance to me, I think.

You guys seem to get to know each other fairly well. I'd be curious to find out, if you could pick one of your fellow candidates to party with, which you would choose. But keeping in mind, partying isn't just, you know, who do you think can shake their groove thing.

I mean, we're talking, who's going to be loyal to you? Who is going to stand by your side? If you get sick, who's going to hold your hair back?

There's more. There's more to it. Who's going to be a team player, you know, if you -- imagine if you were single again. If you see a cutie across the room...who's going to be your wing man? Who's going to take one for the team?

Ha-ha! Remember when we got attacked by terrorists? What a bummer that was, fer sure.

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