Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Wednesdays are for W

Today's the day that my blogger buddies and I ask our readers to visit the George W. Bush re-election web site and donate or volunteer time. While it may seem out of step to ask to fill Dubya's war chest, consider this: at least President Bush is honoring the letter and the spirit of campaign finance laws. The Democrats, in their state of desperation, have thrown all pretense out the window and gratefully accepted lump sums from George Soros and others who are pouring money into "non-partisan" groups (like MoveOn) who have dedicated themselves to liberal causes, including defeating President Bush in 2004.

Finally, as Thanksgiving approaches, I'd like you to support President Bush for the same reason that I do. Not just because the alternative is worse (and, brother, the alternative is much worse). I'd like you to support our President because he has stood up for his beliefs, stood firm against terrorists, and has made America a stronger country. For that I'm thankful.

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