Friday, November 14, 2003

Survivor update

Gosh, I totally forgot about my Survivor update, much to the consternation of Owen I’m sure. I was reminded by the deeply naïve Kevin Drum:

Can someone tell me what the hell happened on Survivor last night? For half an hour we were regaled with plotting against the mighty Rupert — he's too strong, he's going to win, we've got to stick together and vote him out now — and then during the immunity challenge every single person left him alone, including the plotters.

Oh, Kevin Kevin Kevin. As a seasoned Survivor fan, I can tell you that everything on Survivor is about misdirection. If CBS is running promos about the “Rupert revolt” – you can bet your life he’ll be around another week. Plus, no matter how many times Jeff Probst reminds you that after the merge it’s a “whole new game,” it’s not really. Old tribes will always band together to vote the other tribe off; now that the ex-Drake tribe has the upper hand (voting out two ex-Morgans over the past two weeks) it will be a Morgan shooting gallery for the next couple weeks. Darrah and Tijuana are the next two to go.

Very brief update: Rupert rules hard. First he won the slingshot reward challenge, then he won the pirate pop quiz for immunity. Brains, brawn, strategy, fish – best Survivor player evah.

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