Thursday, November 06, 2003

Kerry: Making stuff up

About two-thirds of the way through the [“Rock the Vote” debate], CNN moderator Anderson Cooper turned to the Massachusetts Democrat and said: “Senator Kerry, we've got an e-mail for you. It says, 'What do you think about the recent polls that put Hillary Clinton 20 percent ahead of all you guys?”

Without missing a beat Kerry shot back, "Well, it all depends on which poll you look at. I saw a poll the other day that showed me about 15 points ahead of her."

In fact, every major media poll taken on the 2004 race since Al Gore withdrew last December shows Hillary leading the pack, usually by 20 or more points. In a Quinnipiac University survey released last week, Sen. Clinton bested Kerry by 35 points.

MSNBC "Hardball" host Chris Matthews said Wednesday night that his producer contacted Kerry's office earlier in the day to get the source of the poll cited by the candidate.

Kerry staffers, however, were unable to produce any evidence to back their boss's claim.

Maybe he meant somebody from Krakow.

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