Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Desultory, disjointed, and daft: Democrats debate in Des Moines

What a show. Kerry and Edwards were on satellite feed from Washington because of the Medicare vote, but Lieberman was absent. Why? It was too difficult for MSNBC to set up a third satellite feed (see last paragraph). If George Bush was Satan in previous debates, last night he was Galactus, destroyer of worlds! (with his herald, the Silver Ashcroft). In my opinion, Dean won the debate by deflecting any serious blows. But William Saletan captured the best quote of the night:

Democratic Disease #2: Fiscal responsibility is un-Democratic. "Gov. Dean raised prescription costs for seniors in his state when he needed to balance the budget. He called himself a 'balanced-budget freak,'" protests John Kerry. On Medicare, Kerry tries to spin Dean: "Are you going to slow the rate of growth? Because that's a cut."

Oh-ho! Is that so? By that logic, rolling back the Bush tax cuts would be a “tax hike,” wouldn’t it?

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