Tuesday, November 04, 2003

The Democrats on Iraq: we’re the “UN-Cola”

How bad is it for the Dems? Here’s the start of an article on the left-wing Working for Change website called “The Democrats’ Quagmire”:

Yesterday, if you went to johnkerry.com and followed the links to discover Kerry's thoughts on Iraq, you'd finally reach the prompt: "What is Kerry's plan to win the peace in Iraq? *Read here*."

Clicking the link simply took you back to Kerry's home page.

Kerry's web team thus inadvertently captured perfectly the problem Iraq presents to the Democrats' nine major presidential hopefuls. All of them agree, to varying extents, that George Bush has made a mess of things. But they've been so busy of late harping on Dubya's failures that few of us have any idea what each of them would do. And there's this nagging suspicion that they don't know what they'd do, either. Ask them, and they're likely to simply send you back to their home page, the one that reads "Bush = bad. Me = good."

Generally speaking, they all rely on some variation of “let the world help us.” But what they assiduously fail to address is what the United States would do if France Germany our “friends” say “no” – they won’t help in Iraq. Then what? *Poof* - there is no Plan B for the Dems.

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