Saturday, November 01, 2003

Democrats disorganized and confused (that is, situation normal)

The Washington Post has an article in the Sunday paper titled "Democrats Splintered On Tactics, Candidates" mostly stressing that Democrats aren't sure if they should fight Republican policies tooth and nail, or seek some more moderate positions in line with the Bush administration. I thought this question from a corresponding WashPost poll was telling: 53% of Democrats said that their presidential candidate should "agree on issues" while 42% said they just want someone to beat Bush. Anyone! (scroll down to question #47).

As further proof of the Dems baffled state, they were also asked who they thought had the best chance of defeating Bush in the 2004 election (Q #48), and they chose Joe Lieberman. Now, I like Joe Lieberman, but brothers and sisters, there ain't no way Joe's going to be president.

By the way (and you knew this was coming), John Kerry was just a percentage point behind "Nobody can beat Bush." Sweet.

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