Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Deep breath.....

Sorry to end the day on a down note, but ever since I read Joshua Muravchik's "Heaven on Earth: The Rise and Fall of Socialism" I get a visceral reaction to the left wingnuts who put their faith in the false religion of socialism. I mean, listen to this fruitcake, a survivor of the Jonestown massacre:

COOPER: What's the No. 1 thing people still do not understand about what happened there, about that time, that place?

KOHL: Well, the thing that I think is the most understated was that we really did have a community that, had Jim Jones been forced aside or had he left willingly and let the triumvirate set up, we really had a structure in place that would make a successful community living there with people of all different races and backgrounds, which really would have been a promised land or heaven on Earth.

Oh man....to people like this, there aren't enough lives they wouldn't sacrifice to a socialist nightmare.

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