Friday, November 28, 2003

Bush's Baghdad Blitz

First, the links: Andrew Sullivan has a quote by one soldier and Blogs for Bush has a bunch others. Ipse Dixit more commentary and a great picture of Bush with the troops.

It's all been said by now, but let me add my two cents. A while ago, somebody commented that Bush is a "fake" which led somebody else to retort that, whatever you think about Dubya, he's the real deal. [You could have tracked down the quotes before you started this post - ed. / Yeah, sorry about that...but bear with me] Anyway, here's a guy, the commander-in-chief, who has been hammered at home by Democrats and politicos for his handling of the Iraqi war meeting with troops who, if you listen to the chattering opposition, should have greeted him with cold, stony silence. Instead they cheered wildly for their leader. They posed for pictures and, by all accounts, were lifted tremendously by Bush's visit.

And Bush cried. I think I did a little too. God bless those troops. God bless them all.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:15 PM

    still believe this bullshit?
