Wednesday, November 05, 2003

Around the Blogs

Right Wing News - Michael Moore on people who buy his books: “They are possibly the dumbest people on the planet.”

Outside the Beltway has a great map of party affiliations for governors and this observation: “The fact that the four largest states (California, Texas, New York, and Florida ) all have Republican governors is stunning.”

Matthew Hoy criticizes Joe Lieberman’s Patriot Act prevarications.

David Wissing twists the knife: “I think we should all thank the Democrats for hiring Terry McAuliffe. He has done a remarkable job so far as Democratic Party Chairman.”

And Pejman has a post on national election strategies writ small in Kentucky: “At some point, Democrats will have to realize that however emotionally attached they are to Bush-bashing, they need something more to succeed on the hustings. Because spin or no spin, Democrats keep losing elections to Republicans.”

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