Saturday, October 04, 2003

"Yeah, I endorse Kenny....whatever"

From the NY Times:

EVERY presidential candidate craves endorsements as if each one confers a certain je ne sais quoi to the campaign. At least in the eyes of the endorsed.

Senator Kerry, for example, rounded up reporters last week for a conference call to announce his latest Big Name catch, Gary Hart, the former Colorado senator whose 1988 presidential aspirations ended after monkey business on the Monkey Business.

Mr. Hart joined Mr. Kerry on the call, and the pair answered routine questions. After a while, Mr. Kerry begged off, but Mr. Hart agreed to chat a bit more. With Mr. Kerry gone, the first question was "How important are endorsements?"

"Not very," Mr. Hart said.

At which point a Kerry staff member jumped in to announce that the teleconference was over — and that any additional questions should be forwarded to the Kerry campaign. But Mr. Hart balked and elaborated further, saying, "I don't think endorsements, per se, ever got anyone a nomination."

"Now where's my cheese plate? I was promised a cheese plate."

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