Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Wednesdays are for W

We live in serious times. Every Wednesday, I join other bloggers (below) in urging readers to visit the George W. Bush re-election web page because I believe in W to provide serious leadership. Commenting on the most recent Democratic debate, Dorothy Rabinowitz characterizes the alternative:Still, it is clear from the unvarying flow of bile emanating from them that the main program on the minds of the Democrats this campaign season is the contest to exceed one another in contempt for the president, for the war the nation has engaged.” And Mort Kondracke notes in Roll Call: “Bush wants to partially "privatize" Social Security and Medicare. Democrats adamantly oppose that. They also oppose means-testing benefits and raising the retirement age. The question is: Besides raising taxes, what are they for?

Yes, what do the Democrats actually stand for? I’ve ridiculed the new liberal think tank (oxymoron alert!) as an anchorless institution with a web site, some stationery, and not much to offer - something CAP leader John Podesta all but admitted in this New York Times article (archived – free – on Free Republic):

Podesta gently reminded his audience that a think tank was for developing new policy solutions, not simply repackaging old ones. ''We've got to fill the intellectual pail a little,'' he cautioned, before worrying too much about how those ideas should be conveyed.

This is precisely the challenge facing Podesta. Just about every leading Democrat in Washington agrees that the party could use a new Big Idea, something to compete with the current conservative agenda of slashing programs and toppling rogue regimes. But what kind of idea

And there’s this critical point from the same article:

It is not so encouraging, however, to some other Democrats, who say that asking voters how they feel about the party on a bunch of individual positions -- deficit spending, a patients' bill of rights -- is not the same thing as having a coherent idea of where you want to take the country 10 or 20 years from now.

What do you get with a party that is intellectually adrift with no long term vision? Pronouncements like this:

In a night filled with hilariously uncontroversial statements, my favorite was Dick Gephardt's "We need peace in the world, not terrorism."

Bravo, Congressman.

Visit these other sites in support of President Bush and contact PoliPundit if you want to join our grassroots movement.

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