Friday, October 03, 2003

It’s only hate speech if you’re not white

The California president of the NAACP – an organization that purports to be opposed to racism – gave a baldly racist speech on Tuesday (see article) which them prompted this response by the head of the Simon Wiesenthal Center:

"In the almost twenty years that I've known (Schwarzenegger), he hasn't shown the slightest hint of being racist against Jews or against African Americans or against any group," Rabbi Marvin Hier, dean and founder of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, said Thursday in an interview with The Chronicle. "Look, if there are things people find fault with and they don't want to vote for him because of this issue or that issue, that is fair. . . . But it is unfair to try to attach him to his father."

What’s fairness have to do with it? For the past week, ever since Arnold surge in the polls, I’ve been thinking that he should get bodyguards. With the kind of rhetoric that’s being whipped up by the CA Dems, who knows what might happen?

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