Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Wednesdays are for W

During the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln was told that Ulysses Grant was a drunk. Lincoln's alleged response was "Find out what brand he drinks so I can send some to my other generals." A better verified quote from Lincoln is: "I can't spare this man; he fights."

And that's why I'm behind George W. Bush. I want a president who, above all, does the job of defending and protecting this country. I want security for my kids and (someday) my grandkids. I want a fighter.

I certainly don't see a fighter in the squishy crowd of Democrats who - in unison - have all but declared that it was an awful thing to depose Saddam Hussein. That we should have capitulated our security to the United Nations and France. That it doesn't matter that terrorists are on the run and that terror states are in retreat; America can't be so self-centered. Democrats fear a future with President Bush - I fear one without him.

Support President Bush and Vice President Cheney by visiting their re-election website. And be sure to check out PoliPundit who has links to all the bloggers supporting President Bush.

The "Wictory Wednesday" blogroll:

Bowling for Howard Dean (unofficial blog)
Bush-Cheney 2004 (unofficial blog)
The Hedgehog Report
Jeremy Kissel
Left Coast Conservative
Mark Kilmer
Matt Margolis
Southern Conservatives

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