Friday, September 12, 2003

Senator Splunge meets Senator AWOL

Here’s the opening paragraph in a WashPost story today “Past Votes Dog Some Presidential Candidates”:

Presidential candidate John F. Kerry is bashing President Bush's policies on Iraq, education and civil liberties. What he rarely mentions, however, is that his Senate votes helped make all three possible.

Splunge! And then….

Shortly after the debate, Dean released a statement chastising Kerry and Edwards for skipping a Senate vote on whether to fully fund the Bush education program. Kerry and Edwards, like most congressional Democrats, say they supported the No Child Left Behind Act under the assumption Bush would provide states enough funding to meet the new mandates. But they missed a recent vote to fully fund the program. "If our nation's children are not getting the quality education they deserve," Dean said, "it's partly because . . . Kerry and Edwards were off somewhere playing hooky."

You gotta love that crazy Howard Dean. He’s McGovern-licious!

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