Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Religiosity on television

You would have thought that after the long-running success of “Touched by an Angel” television networks would take a second look at shows that deal with spirituality. But, if I could be a little cynical here, I don’t think religion is much on the mind of the Hollywood set. (“That’s flyover country stuff!”) So it was nice to see this little blurb in an article about the new TV season:

Still, there were bright spots [in the ratings]. Two surprise standouts came on Friday night: the ABC comedy "Hope and Faith," starring Kelly Ripa of "Live With Regis and Kelly" fame, and "Joan of Arcadia," a CBS drama about a teenage girl who regularly encounters God. "Joan" posted winning numbers in its first outing despite competing in the same time slot with an established comedy on ABC, "George Lopez," and a much-publicized new series on NBC, "Miss Match," starring Alicia Silverstone as a matchmaker.

God is good!

(C’mon Relapsed Catholic – you should be all over this story!)

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