Saturday, September 27, 2003

The New York Times loses it

Wow. I mean, it’s fruitless to believe the Times’ editoral page isn’t Pravda-lite, but Republican control of Washington is really driving them around the bend. It’s not enough for the Times to criticize certain pieces of legislation moving through Congress; the Times shows its true colors in a paranoid rant condemning all things right of center:

The big Congressional stories this year have been big-ticket legislation, like Medicare prescription drugs and the pork-layered energy bill. But barely under the political radar, a long-sought, hard-right G.O.P. agenda has been quietly progressing. Proposals dear to the Republican leadership that would undermine gun controls, women's reproductive freedom, a citizen's right to seek court redress, and a vital array of other constitutional bulwarks are moving slowly toward what in some cases seems like almost certain passage.

And you’re going to blow our cover, damn you NYT! Shhhh!!! Look, there can be reasonable differences on gun control or tort reform or even (heaven help us) partial-birth abortion. But the Times seeks to delegitimize the conservative viewpoint by painting it as a vast conspiracy. Get a grip and argue the points.

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