Friday, September 19, 2003

The Guardian swoons over Krugman

It would be hard to find an article more fawning than this ass-kisser from the Guardian-UK:

The letters that Paul Krugman receives these days have to be picked up with tongs, and his employer pays someone to delete the death threats from his email inbox. This isn't something that can be said of most academics, and emphatically not of economic theorists, but Krugman isn't a typical don. Intercepting him in London on his way back home to New Jersey after a holiday in France...

Stop right there. Obviously, PK didn't see Tom Friedman's article. Let's skip down.

"It's an accident," Krugman concedes, addressing the question of how it came to be that the Bush administration's most persuasively scathing domestic critic isn't a loudmouthed lefty radical in the manner of Michael Moore, but a mild-mannered, not-very-leftwing, university economist, tipped among colleagues as a future Nobel prizewinner.

Sweet mercy. Surely it will be the most well-earned Nobel Prize since Arafat.

Extra: Sullivan on Krugman via Pejman. He's nuts (Krugman, that is).

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