Friday, September 26, 2003

Democratic howlers

William Saletan has some soundbites from the Dem debate last night, but he missed two classics:

BORGER: Again on jobs to Senator Graham and Reverend Sharpton, one way you both want to create jobs is by--through public works projects. You spoke about that just a moment ago.
But what's the evidence that you have that Washington spending our tax dollars is going to do a better job of creating those jobs than private employers could do hanging on to those same tax dollars?
First to you, Senator.

GRAHAM: Gloria, I believe in the rather radical idea that if you want to create jobs, you create jobs, and you use those jobs to build a stronger economy.

And here’s Senator Splunge:

We need to increase our commitment to science in America, to venture capital, to the kinds of incentives that draw capital to the creation of jobs.

Democrats can't love jobs and hate the people who create them

Those people being?

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