Thursday, September 04, 2003

California election update

George Will has a hit piece in today’s Washington Post called “Dim and Dimmer in California.” He has few kind words for Schwarzenegger, whom Will obviously regards as a political lightweight and a Republican-in-name-only due to Ah-nold’s support for spending and opposition to school vouchers, among other issues. But if Ah-nold has been vague in outlining his solutions for the Golden State, Cruz Bustamante has been too specific:

Bustamante is telling Californians to brace themselves for "tough love." By that he means he will solve their problems by making taxation of the rich even heavier -- in 2000, almost 38 percent of California income taxation was paid by one-third of 1 percent of taxpayers. And by piling more taxes on those businesses that have not yet fled the state.

Holy mackerel, did I read that right? Over a third of all CA taxes are collected from a .33% of the population? That’s la-la land.

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