Wednesday, August 13, 2003

Spin Control

Jane Galt revisits the delicious conundrum of well-to-do left-wingers on Martha’s Vineyard trying to block an offshore wind farm:

Rich liberals on Nantucket and environs are arguing pretty much openly that while of course they are in favor of renewable energy in theory, they are only in favor of it in practice when it does not interfere in any way with the comforts (and property values) of rich liberals. Presumably the right sort of wind farms are located in midwestern farmland, where the only people who will be bothered are people who don't matter.

In fact, as I’ve noted here, that’s precisely the argument made by the likes of Walter Cronkite: that the wind turbines should be moved to “inland New England.” Because no sacrifice is too great for Walter Cronkite unspoiled dockside view.

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