Thursday, August 07, 2003

Senator AWOL: "It depends on what the meaning of 'untrue' and 'misleading' is"

Uh-oh. John Kerry, the non-Irish non-voting Senator is stretching the truth yet again: "Experts Question Kerry's 'First Prize' in Health Care Plans":

On the campaign trail and on his Internet site, Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.) boasts that a bipartisan group of policy experts has rated his proposal to reform health care "the best" among those offered by the presidential candidates, including President Bush's plan. He even features a "First Prize" blue ribbon on his Web site.

But the statement is, at best, a questionable extrapolation of a recent report on the candidates' health plans, say the analysts who rated them. The10 reviewers cited by Kerry say they did not choose a top health plan and would be at pains to label one "the best." In interviews, some of them described Kerry's statements as "completely wrong," "patently untrue" and "inappropriate and rather misleading."

It seems that the Kerry staffers just added up scores without regard to weighting of each category. Thus, presumably, Kerry's health plan got a "1" for coverage but a "9" for penmanship.

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