Monday, August 18, 2003

Political Hijinks? Somebody’s playing games with the Dems

Say you’re looking for some info on the 2004 Democratic National Convention in Boston next year. You do a Google search on “Boston” + “Democrats” + “2004” and the first choice is this site.

Curious….it looks official. But there’s a huge Bush/Cheney banner in the center of the screen! Further down in very fine print is this: “This website is in no way endorsed by or affiliated with the Democratic party, Democratic National Convention or it's Committees.”

Keep your eye on this one! I smell a lawsuit. Hahahahahaha!!!

Update: "Rogue Web Site Claims Democratic Convention Status"

BOSTON -- Democratic convention officials are trying to shutdown a rogue Web site that is posting fake sponsors, soliciting ads and luring would-be volunteers in cyberspace.

The site -- -- claims to be the Official Guide for the Democratic National Convention 2004 in Boston. However both the Democratic National Committee and the Boston 2004 host committee said there is nothing official about the Web site

Tee hee

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