Wednesday, August 06, 2003

New York-based magazines and their discontents

Ben Domenech has a post on the Ben File titled “Mags for the Spiritually Unattractive” where he bemoans the leftist tilt of The New Yorker (or at least one part). Offhand, he throws in this line: “They're not quite as tendentious as Harper's, but they're on the same side of the force.”

Which reminds me. I’ve been gearing up to write the latest Smarter Harper’s page, but every time I go to the Borders or Waldenbooks, the latest issue is not there. Have they ceased publication (wishful thinking)? Is the August issue running late? Or have these bookstores stopped stocking Harper’s? This last conjecture wouldn’t surprise me since the Borders had about 15 unsold copies of the July issue begging for attention.

[P.S. - if anybody does have the August issue of Harper's, please E-mail me the Index entries so I can start on this month's Smarter Index. Thanks!]

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