Wednesday, August 27, 2003

New Hampshire: Dean crushes Senator AWOL in new Zogby poll

Oh happy day. Here's the press release from pollster John Zogby:

Dean Surges Into Wide Lead Over Kerry, 38%-17%, in Zogby Poll of Likely Democratic Primary Voters in New Hampshire; All Other Candidates in Single Digits; 64% Say Bush Re-Election Likely

Pollster John Zogby: “This is stunning. Dean’s surge seems to be at a heavy cost to Kerry, who led Dean in previous New Hampshire polling."

The Polipundit notes: Karl Rove must be very happy indeed. The thought of a Democratic presidential nominee who will finally be honest with voters about what Democrats want to do - raise taxes, torment businesses, appease terrorists and fill the judiciary with ultra-liberal extremists - has Republicans salivating.

And Terpsboy lists why he likes Howard Dean. What's not to like?

By the way, the Boston Globe article (see post below) says that Dr. Dean likes to enter a room to the remix of "A Little Less Conversation" by Elvis. Good choice!

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