Monday, August 25, 2003

"He now reminds us, incessantly, that he served in Vietnam"

William Fielder writers for Accuracy in Media: "Is Kerry Up for the Presidency?" An excerpt:

On the bombing of the UN compound on August 19th, Kerry said... ‘...the administration...lacks an adequate plan to win the peace and protect the troops.’ In this report there was no indication that Kerry thought the attack on those giving humanitarian aid, feeding the hungry, finding shelter for the dispossessed, and supervising the clearing of minefields, was an inhuman outrage, which required decisive counteraction. Rather, he apparently saw it as merely another opportunity to blame America first, and criticize our leaders, rather than the terrorists.

I think Kerry is in a Dean-engineered panic as he watches his Presidential aspirations squashed by a Vermont upstart. But instead of broadening his message, he returns to his military service again and again. It's become so oft-repeated that one has to wonder if he ever really meant to protect his country, or whether is was all a carefully-planned scheme to burnish his resume.

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