Monday, August 18, 2003

Democrats love misery

As I’ve noted many times before, the Democrats have set themselves up such that the only way they can succeed is for America to fail. The depth of their desperation was on full display this past weekend as prominent Dems took to the airwaves to Blame Bush for the Blackout:

One of the first was New Mexico Democratic Gov. Bill Richardson, a former energy secretary in the Clinton administration, who quickly appeared on at least two cable news networks wringing his hands over what he sees as an antiquated power-delivery system.
No one questioned Richardson as to why he didn't make the system better when he was in charge of the nation's energy policy, but he had plenty of suggestions as to what the Bush administration should do.

And of course, no inconvenience of modern life should pass without a trite metaphor by Senator AWOL:

"It underscores a blackout in this administration on energy policies," said Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry.

Bravo, Senator. That speechwriting staff of yours deserves a raise.

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