Tuesday, July 15, 2003

The Village Voice slams Democrats

Boy, you know the Dems are in trouble when even the Village Voice is bringing down the hammer. Here’s the Voice’s criticism of the Democrats who were absent from Washington as a critical vote on overtime regulations moved through Congress:

Where were the Democrats? Nowhere to be found. Gephardt was in Iowa getting an endorsement from the International Order of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, promising veterans of the picket line they'd be part of a new American prosperity. Among the leading Democratic contenders, neither Gephardt nor senators John Edwards, John Kerry, or Joe Lieberman returned repeated Voice calls for comment. The office of Representative Dennis Kucinich, a staunch labor supporter who voted against the measure, at least returned a call, as did former Vermont governor Howard Dean's office. Dean spokesperson Tricia Enright says of Gephardt's absence, "It's disgraceful. . . . Don't votes like this keep people off the picket lines?"

As I’ve noted on a weekly basis, it is disgraceful.

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