Wednesday, July 30, 2003

Teresa Heinz Kerry: Insane or just a rich eccentric? You make the call

From Boston Magazine, via Political Wire:

In 1996, during the Kerrys' first Halloween on Beacon Hill, where the evening is an important tradition and celebrity status doesn't excuse anyone from door duty, their house was attended by the couple's housekeeper. Neighborhood resentment was immediately focused on Heinz Kerry. "Who does she think she is?" one mother whispered.

After most of the trick-or-treaters had finished their rounds, Heinz Kerry made an appearance when three children about 10 years old rang her bell, two dressed as hippies and one as a cat. "I had a big barrel of candy, and it's all gone!" she screamed, shutting the door on the bewildered youngsters.

After word got around, the next Halloween was a different story. Both Kerrys were on the front stoop. The senator himself handed out the goodies while a smiling Heinz Kerry snapped photos of the children

The “goodies” were bottles of ketchup – the kids weren’t thrilled.

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