Thursday, July 17, 2003

Sid shuts up

From today's Page Six in the New York Post comes a story about a symposium called "Is Bush Unbeatable in 2004?":

Al Gore would be the biggest threat to President Bush's re-election and Hillary Clinton the next most dangerous opponent, Republican strategist Ed Rollins said yesterday at the "Is Bush Unbeatable in 2004?" forum sponsored by The Week magazine.

If that's the best the Democrats can do, they really are hopeless. But wait! There's more:

When former Clinton strategist-turned-tormentor Dick Morris called in to note that Bush's "built-in base" is somewhat soft, he said, "Hello, Sidney, we haven't spoken in years." Blumenthal, who used to work alongside Morris, refused to return the greeting.

Blumenthal must still be smarting from Morris' recent review of his book, "The Clinton Wars," which Morris dismissed as an "800-page job application for a job in a Hillary White House" that "shows his willingness to buy any line she hands out and treats it as gospel

"Sid? Are you there? Did Hillary put your collar on too tight today?"

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