Thursday, July 24, 2003

Public policy v. private policy

Here’s an excerpt from an Opinion Journal article today: “Betraying D.C.’s Children”:

Outside the committee's meeting room last week, nine-year-old Mosiyah Hall, a D.C. public school student himself, politely asked Sen. Landrieu where she sent her own children to school. "Georgetown Day," came the response, a reference to one of Washington's most exclusive private schools. Mosiyah's mother says an obviously agitated Sen. Landrieu then came over to a group of local mothers to explain that a voucher would be no help for them here, because even with the $7,500 voucher this bill offers, they still couldn't afford Georgetown Day.
"It was an ugly moment," says Virginia Walden-Ford, head of D.C. Parents for School Choice and one of the moms demonstrating

Let’s pass a law requiring public officials to send their kids to public schools; then watch the opposition to vouchers crumble.

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