Friday, July 25, 2003

No, you cannot have my phone number

I'm not sure how I got on the mail list, but I get E-mails all the time from "George W." giving me the latest spin and then asking for a donation. And for the first time in my life, I was willing to give a couple of bucks so that Dubya can get re-elected. Excuse me, so that President Bush can get re-elected. (Here the words "President" and "re-elected" are used just to tick off Terry McAuliffe). So I filled out the form, leaving the "Phone Number" section blank. And they wouldn't take my donation because I had left it out.

No, no, no, a million times no. I don't want anyone calling. I have an unlisted number and signed up for the "do-not-call" list. I have no CVS, Stop & Shop, or Blockbuster scan cards. My keyring is unadorned by Disney World doo-dads or electronic gadgets; it's a ring, plain and simple. If I can't purchase a diode from Radio Shack without giving my address, well, I'll just have to take my diode business elsewhere. Sorry George - I tried.

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