Wednesday, July 16, 2003

News Flash: Paul Krugman still a jerk

Well, Krugman's back from vacation to harsh our mellow. Here's the latest analysis from Lying in Ponds about the DNC's operative the New York Times' columnist:

Over these two and a half years of columns, Paul Krugman's commentary has been one-sided to an extraordinary degree. It is simply astounding that not a single one of his 243 columns has been devoted mainly to criticism of Democrats or praise of Republicans. At first, Mr. Krugman wrote many witty, thought-provoking and completely apolitical columns about economics, but they have dwindled as the frequency of partisan screeds has increased. In 2000, 53 of his 98 columns contained no party references, but in 2002, only 8 of 99 did, and so far this year only one lonely column of 46 was non-political. Although Mr. Krugman himself has explicitly denied the charge of partisanship, the data doesn't seem to support any of the proposed explanations for his one-sided punditry

There's much more, with compelling data, at Lying in Ponds. Go read the whole post.

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