Monday, July 21, 2003

Kerry’s new slogan: “I saved dolphins from tuna fishers”

From: "Kerry's Senate career marked by investigations, not legislation"

Asked what he has accomplished during his 19 years in the Senate, Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry gives a lengthy answer but has a short list of laws that bear his name.

“Did you know I have the same initials as John Kennedy?”

The Massachusetts senator is known for using his investigative powers to shine a light on problems and corruption, but not as someone steeped in the process of making bills into law. Asked recently what he has accomplished that wouldn't have happened had he not served in the Senate, Kerry replied: "There are actually a lot of things."

“Laws!?! I don’t make ‘em, and I don’t vote for ‘em!”

"Can I say that it wouldn't be done, that somebody else might not have picked up the cudgel?" he said in an Associated Press interview. "I don't know. But I know I led a lot of fights in the Senate that nobody else was doing and that made a difference."

Why all the fighting? Al Gore used to annoy the hell out of me by constantly swearing that he would “fight for the common man.” I don’t want you to fight – I want you to work. Draft bills, go to committee meetings, give speeches, offer amendments, and vote. Is that so hard?

His response prompted an examination of his record. Kerry has been the lead sponsor of eight bills that have become law. Two are related to his work on the Senate panel on oceans and fisheries -- a 1994 law to protect marine mammals from being taken during commercial fishing and a 1991 measure for the National Sea Grant College Program Act, which finances marine research.

I’m such a baby, yeah, the dolphins make me cry

In 1999, President Clinton signed his bill providing grants to support small businesses owned by women.

Sounds like Teresa Heinz Kerry put him up to that one.

The rest of the laws he saw passed were ceremonial -- renaming a federal building, designating Vietnam Veterans Memorial 10th Anniversary Day, National POW/MIA Recognition Day and World Population Awareness Week in two separate years.

I thought I had heard – vaguely – that Kerry was involved with Vietnam in some way.

"There isn't a bill where you say ah-ha, this bill has John Kerry's name written all over it," said David King of Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government. "His strength isn't as much in legislation than in pointing the klieg lights on a problem and going from there, and he'll be able to do that a fair amount in the presidential race."

Wonderful: a professional kvetch. Kerry’s the kind of guy who stands behind you during a game of chess and mutters: “There’s a competency gap in your strategy.”

Kerry said he has been responsible for laws to pay for 100,000 police officers and support fishery and environmental laws and small-business aid programs. He also pointed to his advocacy of democracy in the Philippines and the end of the Marcos regime there.

He did almost nothing as a Senator, therefore we should make him President. The mind reels. (Mental note: Kerry supports democracy and opposes dictators. Bold positions!)

And he spoke of the investigations from earlier in his career -- his probe of the Nicaraguan Contra armies, international money laundering and American prisoners of war in Vietnam. He also led the effort to normalize relations with Vietnam, where he was wounded in combat as a Navy officer.

So when you think of “probe” – think of Kerry (not that other word).

Former Sen. Robert Torricelli, D-N.J., who served with Kerry on the Finance and Foreign Relations committees, said Kerry was steadfast in the positions he took and not always willing to cut deals with Republicans. He said it was an effective strategy that he admired, although it could rub others the wrong way.
"The hallmark of John Kerry has always been his independence," Torricelli said. "That independence has always irritated his colleagues. I don't think John Kerry would ever been characterized as a member of any club

Praise from Bob Torricelli! Wow! Was Jim Traficant unavailable?

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