Monday, July 28, 2003

Kerry Vote Watch

The Senate had a three-day workweek last week and only one vote was cast on Tuesday, so it was really like two days. Do you think John Kerry could have showed up to vote even once on this extremely abridged schedule? Nope. He’s been so busy traipsing around the country criticizing the President on national security, he failed to vote on H.R. 2555, the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act.

If you’re a Massachusetts resident (like me) you can tell the Senator that it would be super-great if he would do his job. That job would be representing Massachusetts when the Senate is in session – not running for President. Kerry’s Washington office phone (where he won’t be) is 202-224-2742; the fax # is (202) 224-8525.

Days worked last week: 0
Votes missed: 16

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