Thursday, July 03, 2003

The Google News Candidate Tracker ™

I’m going to introduce a completely unscientific method to gauge the viability of the Democratic candidates by tracking their Google News hits. Of course, news stories can be either complimentary or critical, but then “there’s no such thing as bad publicity”. Take it for what it is. (Note: common campaign names are used such as “Dick Gephardt” and not “Richard Gephardt” – this may skew some results if news stories use “Joseph” instead of “Joe” for example).

Google News hits for July 3, 2003 @ 9 A.M. EST:

“John Kerry” – 2940
“Howard Dean” – 2890
“John Edwards” – 2190
“Bob Graham” – 2100
“Dick Gephardt” – 1630
“Joe Lieberman” – 1550
“Dennis Kucinich” – 1430
“Al Sharpton” – 1200
“Carol Moseley Braun” – 646

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