Friday, July 04, 2003

God Bless America

Today, I got horribly sunburned while spreading asphalt sealer on my driveway. Then I had lunch and watched some TV and slathered some aloe on my back. I ran over and picked up my kid who had skinned his knee badly while riding his bike. (Side note: after adamantly refusing to learn how to ride a two-wheeler, I forced him to learn last weekend. Since then, he's charted more miles on his bike than Lance Armstrong). I played Monopoly. We had cheeseburgers from the grill for dinner. I successfully answered Final Jeopardy while all the contestants failed (question: "What is McDonalds?") I read my kids "And to think I saw it on Mulberry Street" before they went to bed. Then I opened a couple-few Sam Adams Cherry Wheats and updated my blog.

What a country.

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